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  • Writer's pictureWarren J Bugeja


I began 2021 with an impromptu sale of some furniture and a swim to wash away 2020. Hope the money bit is a good abundance omen for the year ahead! I then returned home to read my numerology reading for 2021 which has to do with endings and beginnings after a full cycle of 9 years.

Watching the ironic Netflix film ‘Death to 2020’ with champagne was a funny send-off for a year that despite its challenges was personally a good one for me. I got to fulfill one of my dreams to visit New Zealand for one, reconnected with forgotten hobbies, lived more in the present, and was provided with plenty of occasions to practice gratitude.

Every year I have a cafe date with myself between Xmas and New Year where I transfer the contents of one diary onto another because I was born in a different era and do not trust online diaries. During this rare time to myself, I write down intentions or projects for the forthcoming year and reflect on the year gone by and how many of the previous year’s intentions and plans I have managed to live by, or bring to realization (or not). This time last year I wrote that in my next ‘job’ I would like to work in the fields of history or health. Man proposes and God disposes and whilst due to covid I did not emigrate, it’s strange but through a strange series of serependitious twists and turns, I actually found a job writing about history, that and other stuff which is manifesting as I write.

Magic happens in spite of ourselves, maybe not where and when we think it will happen, but give yourself to life, trust in the process, follow your bliss, take the first baby steps, be like water, and FLOW. May 2021 be a reflection of what is best for your higher good xxx

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