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Be like Water

Writer: Warren J BugejaWarren J Bugeja

The older you grow the more you must learn to become like water. Water does not resist obstacles but it flows around them, seeps through and under them. Water embraces what it is presented with and carves a new path, accepting what it finds in its way, creatively choosing to continue on its path towards its destiny.

Love is the opposite of saying no, of shutting down. Love has wide open arms, like water. It is only when you decide to accept what life throws at you, hug the pain and the anger and the despair like a child who nuzzles up to you, on your lap, and cries softly against at your neck . You do not turn the child away, you comfort it and hold it closer, to soothe its brow, you might say nothing but whisper crooning sounds. Sometimes you might feel helpless, you do not have a solution or a way forward, you cannot promise that things will turn out fine, but still you cuddle that child who just needs to feel loved in that instant. Love always finds a way. Fear only creates anxiety. However you must accept that you are feeling fear, but understand that you will not be limited by it. You will circumvent it like water and use it as a learning experience to become stronger.

It is not just the warrior, facing death on the battlefield who is brave. Life calls on us to be courageous in all the small, seemingly insignificant moments when we have to forge on and take decisions for ourselves and others without a map, when we are fumbling in the dark without answers, when we have to comfort our inner child and believe in blind hope. Once you accept, once you leave behind the anger and jealousy and unfairness/injustice, then you have clarity, then you can move on.

Day by day, baby steps. Whatever will be will be and it’s all ok, Things work out somehow, they always have a way of sorting themselves out as long as we are true to ourselves and don’t hurt others. We just have to surrender to the present, do our little bit, become that change we want to see and slowly but surely move towards, what deep down our soul knows as joy. We can find the positive in everything. Everything is a lesson, everyone a teacher and a mirror.

The bills will get paid and life will continue . When we trust and let go, then magic happens and it is the opposite of fear. It’s like what’s the worst that can happen? And even If that happens, you pick yourself up and tomorrow is another day, everything comes to pass because the one thing that is constant is change.

The moment we are born, we begin the long journey home. Home is a sense of belonging to ourselves, when we are not trying to be somebody else. When we like who we have become, we like what we do and can reasonably say we know ourselves. We do not second guess our emotions, we don’t believe that we are missing out, that life is elsewhere. We have found a modus vivendi we can breathe into. We have a measure of why we were put on this earth, what we can contribute to society and to others and then we are at peace with our destiny.


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