To know yourself. To acknowledge, accept and embrace who you REALLY are, to know what you want from deep within, and to understand what you are really capable of, what your innate talents are, what you love doing and what you are good at. To bring all this forth, to channel it compassionately and creatively, and to use this to the development of the best that you can be and equally important to the betterment of society.
Not to hide your light under a bushel, not to fear success or failure, to connect to your intuition, to trust it, to access the inner well of wisdom that courses deep within every one of us. To recognize we are all students and teachers, mirrors of each other, that nothing is new under the sun, that the biggest lessons lie not in what other people do to us, but in our reactions to each situation.
To internalize that we have everything we need at our disposal, all we need is to summon it, to go and enquire within and create magic. To wake up to the fact that competition is healthy, it just raises our standards. There is so much abundance and the only limitation is the repetition of lack and the perpetuation of the myth of the 'other'. Our birthright is freedom and bliss and the knowing that we belong, we are one. This is the soul's / the human's journey back home.
Love and blessings from one soul to another 🕊